Welcome to NARMA consultancy
NARMA Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. (Centre for Natural Resources Management, Analysis, Training and Policy Research) is a multi-disciplinary development company specialized in natural resources management, agricultural development, project management and evaluation of development projects. After its establishment in 1996, NARMA has successfully delivered services to more than 150 projects implemented by several ministries and departments of the governments of Nepal, INGOs (LWF, Oxfam-GB, CECI-Nepal, CARE-Nepal, WWF) and NGOs (e.g. AEPC, NTNC, RRN) through the technical and financial assistance of the international development agencies including ADB, CIDA, GiZ, FAO, IFPRI, JICA, UK Aid (formerly DFID), UNDP, WB, World Bank and WFP.
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![Nepal Map](http://narma.org.np/wp-content/themes/narma64/images/nepal-map.jpg)